Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Comedy Central

That kind of night with the little.  Not only did mini me try to shush us to tell us a story. She accidentally said sh@@ instead of shhh!! Or was it an accident? (maniacal laugh) 😂

I walked down the hallway to tell her something. She was suppose to be in bed, the lights were out. There she was watching a show on the tablet (not sleeping). Just waiting for me. She practically jumps for joy. Puts down the tablet and says "Thank God you showed up early tonight." I said I'm not ready to come in here, I'm going to take a shower real quick. "Really mom, you have 8 seconds!" Me: "Only 8 seconds?" "Ok, 8 minutes and i'm going to set the timer."  ðŸ˜›

She comes into the bathroom a few minutes later before I could finish my wonderful "8" minute shower. (Mind you, so she could ask me if I was almost done and so she could do a dance for me.) 

Clearly I was procrastinating going in the room, I might even have been hiding. Like us moms tend to do, when we just need a minute. :) I'm sitting on my bed, looking at my phone and I here the pitter patter of her little feet. "Boo, helloooo" "It's your daughter. What do you think your doing?  All I see is a women in her clothes dressed for the day time with a towel on her head and you don't even match. Are you coming or not!? 

Comedy Central all day, every day with the mini! Laughing until she's sleeping.....😴


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