Thursday, January 25, 2018

Everyday Mom Life

As moms, we all can relate.  Sometimes it's all to much.

How can I even begin to collect my thoughts.  It's a new year, but everything feels the same.  Like I'm drowning in a sea of chaos.  I keep going over everything in my head and the same feeling surfaces over and over. "The water is above my head!" 

This is how it begins, the onset of anxiety.  It's not easy to be everything to everyone.  A good wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend.  So I decide to step back and control the things I can control.  It's not easy to do. This year, isn't about new resolutions. It's about old ones. Making sure that my life is my own and not what someone else thinks it should be.

I can tell you that all of these thoughts consume me.  And somewhere between child one and three, life became a hot mess.  Ok, so maybe it was a hot mess before that, lol.  I go to bed every night praying that the next day will be a little easier.  And the next day, I realize that maybe praying for easy was not what I should be praying for. So I pray for patience instead. 😅 Lord knows I need it.  These kids are going to be the death of me.  No sleep, sick kids, animals and more animals, dishes and the laundry, "OH THE LAUNDRY!"  "Which clothes are clean and which ones are dirty?" "How do I not know this?" "I did this laundry, I should know!" But wait, it was the kids. They didn't really put the laundry away like I asked. They got confused and mixed it all together! 😜

Forget it, let me just sit down with a cup of coffee and read. Sits down. "Ugh, where are my glasses." Old age has hit me and I can't see anything. (But I can change a diaper in the dark and not wake my kid up!) Hooray for goals! LOL Gets up, finds glasses. sits down. "Ugh, coffee is in the microwave from heating it up again after the umpteenth time of trying to drink it."  Dog needs to go out, phone rings. And now I'm getting a call from the school to pick up a sick child. The day is not going as planned.

The days never go as planned. They are fast and furious. But at the end of the day, I wouldn't trade a thing.  My life is chaotic, busy, unplanned, disorganized a cluster 🙈 and I'm ok with that.  Because plans are overrated and life would be boring if everything was exactly how you thought it should be. "At least I think it would be boring." But I wouldn't know boredom if it smacked me in the face!" Hug those babies. Talk with your spouse. Laugh with a friend. Call a loved one.  Be grateful for what you have. Have faith and the rest will follow. Then open the wine and make the coffee, if you don't like those drinks, find something you do. 💓 Just do it with a smile.


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