Friday, December 8, 2017

Tis the Season

"Tis the Season"

Ever ask yourself what this means?  You've probably heard this catch phrase thrown around since you were a kid.  Today society usually says it in sarcasm because who really wants to be jolly anyway. 

The phrase has its origins in the Christmas carol, “Deck the Halls,” which was translated to English in 1862.
  • Deck the hall with boughs of holly, fa la la la la, la la la la. ’Tis the season to be jolly, fa la la la la la, la la la la
Taking us back to today. Stop what your doing. Close your eyes and think about what the season means to you.  Some people have no  (holiday) season.  To them a season is their life.  Lonely and without anyone or anything.  I encourage you to remember this as the season moves forward and to be jolly.  Does it really matter if you have the latest and greatest things? Some do really care.  Maybe it's about bragging rights.  Maybe its because saying no to the ones you love might disappoint them. But this is what I know to be true.  The hustle and bustle of the season makes me people anxious. People are rude. They forget that some aren't as lucky as them.  Some people spend the entire month going from one festivity to the next, never stopping.  I mean who doesn't like to party it up with the best of them.  I know that I love a fun night with friends sitting around laughing and reminiscing about old times and having a cocktail.  I love to make crafts for all things holiday. (Not just Christmas)  Oh but there is this thing called time.  There is never enough time to do all the things we want to do.

And you, yes you, "I see you." You are the parent that is struggling to feel normal.  The one who just wants not to feel broken. You want to feel whole again. Maybe you were invited to a holiday event and while in your heart you would like nothing more than to participate and join in with friends for that "ugly sweater party" or the fun family night out to see Santa and the Elves.  Maybe you want to go look at Christmas lights with friends and it is cold and drizzling out, but that isn't stoping them, but you just can't.  I understand.  You are not alone and you are normal.  You can be whole again.  And you may not be able to participate like everyone else does.  But you will find the joy in the little things.

You will put up the Christmas tree. Your heart will feel split.  You might have one kid that really isn't into the festivities because middle school is a beast. A little one that is so excited you can feel the magic every time they mention Santa, or the elf. Every craft they make and all the fun things they are doing at school is endless.  Maybe you have the child that is non verbal or maybe severely autistic and overstimulated by the lights or the sound of the music. You ask yourself is all of this really worth it?  Find the worth.  Find the joy in the little things.  It's going to be ok.  I promise your heart will mend and fill with joy if you only let it.  You see I to am heartbroken. As I am every year.  We decorate and my oldest of 3 can't "really" help with the decorating.  She will be present. That is enough for me.  Is it easy?  No, it's not.  But this image is in my heart.  

The magic is in her heart and I feel it. Moo has always loved the tree.  And maybe she couldn't actually place an ornament on the tree with out my help. I let it be.  She listened to the Christmas music with us and I put her next to the tree.  I showed her each ornament that was ever given to her.  We talked about them (and by talking, this means I'm doing the talking and I get a silent glare.)  But through my pain I saw her.  I saw her expression with her eyes.  As I know your see your child expressing themselves the only way they know how. She held one ornament and stared for awhile and i watched in silence and wondered what she must be thinking.  And then as the tears fell down, I picked myself back up and counted my blessings.

So you my fellow parent of a child with special needs.  "Tis the Season."  Tis the season of canceled events, lonely nights, leaving one kid behind so the others can participate. Knowing that part of your heart is broken, and moving on. it is going to be ok. You are not alone.  And the joy is found in the smallest moments.  That is your gift.

I will give back to those in need.  I will share my love with those who need it most. I will not take for granted the things I don't get underneath the Christmas tree.  For I will find joy in watching my children count down the days together. I will thank God for the things I do have. I will remember that it could be worse. I could be alone. But I am not and neither are you.

Count down the days, count down the hours.  But don't count down your blessings. Count them up one by one. Breathe in and breathe out.  Hug someone you love! Show them how much you care.  These gifts can not be bought and they can not be returned.  

Merry Christmas Everyone! "Tis the Season!" 🎄🎅💞


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