Thursday, October 26, 2017

Words Hurt

Words hurt even if you don't think somebody is listening. Someone always is.  Be the person you would want someone else to be.

You see these 3 children here. Sisters and nothing but love for one another.  Innocent and minding their own. Just waiting for mom and dad to come back from the line, while they waited patiently in the shade. My 12 year old stands there texting me to tell me how hurt she is and people are so rude! She was heart broken. And I'm inline admiring how much I love my children.

You see, what goes on in the world so many people are oblivious to.  In this moment my Bug had to listen to two male employees who had uniforms on and leaving Walt Disney's Animal Kingdom laughing and cutting up.  The one says to the other after glancing over towards them.  "Maybe I should just cut my leg off, ride around in a wheelchair and make funny noises."

"You can pick your mouth up off of the floor right now." You see what you don't realize is there is always someone, an innocent bystander that will hear you or see your actions. They can be hurtful. At that moment there was nothing I could do, to stand up for what was right.  I wasn't close enough.  I struggle with this.  Knowing that every day my children are scrutinized for just having a sibling with special needs.

The truth is, that our world is full of judgement.  Everyday someone is scrutinized for their race, religion, color of their hair, the way they talk, walk or dress.  Just stop!!!  You haven't walked a day in that persons shoes.  If you are an adult you should know better. Maybe you don't know any better, But you certainly can learn to be humble and kind. It's never to late. We are suffering as human beings enough because no one wants to care enough to stand up for all of humanity!

And for God sake people, if you are a parent. Please teach your children to be kind with their words.  Bullying is no joke! Regardless of circumstance. A child should we kind with their words. Teach them to be a good friend.  Teach them not to stare.  (Bug had to endure that, while waiting with her sister) while we got them lunch.  It's all to much people.  It doesn't matter if you are different.  Embrace who you are, because it is not my place to judge you! Nor is it the person standing next to you.

We can not change people. But we can always strive to be a better version of ourselves. I am not a perfect daughter, wife, mother, friend. But I choose to be careful with my words and my actions, so that I might make a difference in this crazy world. I pray tomorrow I will be better than I was today.

Take a listen and remember "What a Wonderful World"


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